You got this!

Whatever it is, just keep doing it

Keep coming back for updated lessons and challenges

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how everyday actions correlate with with your impact on the enviroment and how the community around you can provide with many resources that increase your mental and physical health.

  • Completing Quests provided by Green Wave will get you to complete activites that will increase both your mental and physical health by providing new techniques.

  • The most effective way to addressing the current climate crisis involves decreasing our carbon dioxide emissions and pollution output. The guidelines provided in Quests demonstrates how to lead a lifestyle with minimal impact on the environment!


Questions & Answers

  • Using a google submission form found at the bottom of each challenge there is a link to submit your proof. Ensure you include the needed photos, logo, username, and emails when submitting all of your information.

  • At regular intervals you will receive an email updating you on your progress, points, achienvemnts, and rewards just like you might see in your favoitite video games!

  • Gamification is bringing a aspects such as a progress bar, quests to prompts to follow, achievments, and rewards!

  • Yes! We have been working on this project over 5+ months in collaboration with Youth Climate International as part of the Climate Future labs program!