
To help bring a new perspective on a sustainable lifestyle, Green Wave Halifax has created a game utilizing progress bars, points, different levels, and rewards that support local businesses located in Halifax - HRM.

Read all the steps below to ensure a proper understanding of Green Wave Halifax!

Start your Nature Quests today!

Step 1: Sign up and Login!

Welcome to your account! This will keep track of your progress, and your points

Redeem rewards through the ‘orders’ section of your account

Step 2: Explore the website!

Quests -> This is where you will gain points to use for rewards!

Rewards -> See what kind of rewards are waiting for you!

About Us -> Gain more context on Green Wave Halifax

Step 3: Quest - Choose a level!

/ Level 1 - Seedling

// Level 2 - Sapling

/// Level 3 - Oak Tree

Characterized by differing time commitments, resources required, and number of points!

Step 4: Follow prompts located for each quest - collect all the points!

Follow along with the quest and submit the challenge with the google form located in each prompt.

After following the quest and clicking ‘Complete and Continue’ your progress bar will go up

After you submit the quest you will receive an email in a couple of days with confirmation and an update on your points

Step 5: Obtain enough points, and redeem them for rewards!

  • Once you get enough points you will be able to redeem rewards

  • You will be given a code allowing you to choose a reward of your liking for free!

  • Once you have chosen your reward you can pick it up at a local store.

To Start Playing:

Nature Quests


  • Level 1 - Seedling

    Step into Level One, where you'll find straightforward tasks that can be comfortably completed within a day or even just a couple of hours. These activities require minimal effort and no additional resources, except for your trusty phone.

  • Level 2 - Sapling

    Embark on an extended adventure in Level Two, where challenges may push your limits a bit more, requiring a few days to complete. Some quests may involve additional resources or commitment, but the rewards are plentiful, promising a richer experience and greater satisfaction.

  • Level 3 - Oak

    Similar to the resilient nature of the mighty oak, tackling Level 3 challenges demands a comparable strength and determination! Anticipate encountering increased difficulty and a more substantial time commitment, as these challenges provide the highest point yields for individuals aspiring to bring about in their endeavors